Online Resources for Educators
Included in this list of Online Resources for Educators are educational activities, coding, STEM education, girls & STEM, and professional development. We will continue to update and add to this list of resources.
- Bedtime Math
- In response to COVID-19, Bedtime Math has created a new online resource to help fellow parents, educators and librarians keep spirits lifted and continue the math learning at home in a way that's fun and manageable for parents and caregivers. We have compiled some of our best hands-on math activities, including Funny Money, Knockin' Hockey, M&M Madness, Pirate Treasure Hunt, Terrifically Twisted Tangrams, Trail Mix & Munch, and Tricks of the Eye.
- Beyond Curie
- March for Science Posters: As a way to connect the Women's March to the March for Science, Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya has created 6 custom posters to help celebrate both women and science.
- Desmos
- Desmos wants to build a world where every student learns math and loves learning math, where a student’s access to the power and beauty of math doesn't depend on their place of birth, race, ethnicity, gender, or any other aspect of their identity.
- MATHCOUNTS provides engaging math programs to US middle school students of all ability levels to build confidence and improve attitudes about math and problem-solving.
- NASA Modern Figures
- NASA Modern Figures Interactive Toolkit A collection of resources and educational activities for students in grades K-12.
- NASA Universe of Learning
- NASA’s Universe of Learning has activities for learners of all ages to engage in the science of NASA astrophysics from home. Explore everything from our solar system to faraway exoplanets, stars and nebula, and the most distant galaxies.
- National Geographic Explorer Classroom
- Join Explorer Classroom — a live YouTube show that connects young people with Explorers around the world — to hear behind-the-scenes stories and interact in real-time. All events are free, open to the public, and come with an event guide to help you get the most out of your experience.
- Oregon State University Precollege Programs
- As an effort to support Oregon families and teachers sheltering in place during this COVID-19 pandemic, OSU Precollege Programs will continue to share links to educational resources. We are compiling a list of free learning resources from various educational sources to support youth K-12 activities at home and continued learning.
- PHET Simulations
- The PhET Interactive Simulations project at the University of Colorado Boulder creates free interactive math and science simulations. PhET sims are based on extensive education research and engage students through an intuitive, game-like environment where students learn through exploration and discovery.
- Project Explorer
- Project Explorer is an incredibly high-quality resource designed to bring the world into classrooms and living rooms with free video content and a curriculum that fosters global awareness and cross-cultural understanding. There is also an associated television show on the Discovery Channel: Crash Test World starring Kari Byron from Mythbusters.
- Science Buddies
- The award-winning, non-profit Science Buddies empowers K-12 students, parents, and teachers to quickly and easily find free project ideas and help in all areas of science from physics to food science and music to microbiology.
- Shut the Box
- An online version of the Shut the Box game.
- SpaceX ISS Docking Simulator
- This simulator will familiarize you with the controls of the actual interface used by NASA Astronauts to manually pilot the SpaceX Dragon 2 vehicle to the ISS.
- STEM Bites
- Oregon’s regional STEM Hubs are coming together to bring engaging, hands-on science and engineering learning ideas to educators across the state! Each “Bite” can be done at home, in a classroom, or in program space. Bites primarily use simple materials that families already have or can readily acquire; we know how hard it can be to get specialized materials to students. The STEM Bites are organized by grade band (K-2, 3-4, and 5-6). The collection includes explorations of our environment, engineering challenges, science investigations, observations, and more!
- STEM Cams and Live Streams
- A playlist of live streams with a #STEM theme.
- Tinkercad
- Tinkercad is a free, easy-to-use app for 3D design, electronics, and coding. It's used by teachers, kids, hobbyists, and designers to imagine, design, and make anything!
- Black Girls Code
- A national non-profit organization aiming to introduce programming and technology to a new generation of the coders who will become builders of technological innovation and of their own futures.
- Code DOT org
-® is a nonprofit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by young women and students from other underrepresented groups.
- CS First
- Introduce computer science to kids. Join over 1 million teachers, parents, and students in creating fun projects with the free CS First curriculum.
- Girls Who Code
- A national non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology.
- Scratch
- Scratch is a free programming language and online community where you can create your own interactive stories, games, and animations.
Girls & STEM
- Black Girls Code
- A national non-profit organization aiming to introduce programming and technology to a new generation of coders who will become builders of technological innovation and of their own futures.
- Chandra X-Ray Observatory - NASA
- Women in Science celebrates women in STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) both acknowledged and unknown, for their role in the exploration of the world and the Universe around us.
- Engineer Girl
- The EngineerGirl website is designed to bring national attention to the exciting opportunities that engineering represents for girls and women Contains facts about engineering, career information and other resources.
- Finding Ada
- Ada Lovelace Day (ALD) is an international celebration day of the achievements of women in STEM, aiming to increase the profile of women in STEM encourage more girls into STEM careers.
- Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA
- Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA collaborates with library and community-based networks to offer a variety of webinars throughout the year to help informal educators explore new activities, learn best practices for engaging girls, and hear from NASA scientists and engineers.
- Girls Who Code
- A national non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology.
- If Then, She Can
- The IF/THEN® Classroom Connection is a web-based tool to bring real women STEM role models into classrooms and nonprofit programs. This platform makes it easy for professionals to share their skills and expertise to bring real-world, authentic learning opportunities to all our students to create the next generation of innovators. Through virtual sessions and digital content, professionals can help educators and program providers connect their students to the world of STEM.
- Made With Code
- Google’s organization inspires teen girls to see that code can help them pursue their passions, whatever they may be. Activities and online exercises.
- National Girls Collaborative Project
- The Oregon Girls Collaborative Project brings together organizations throughout Oregon that are committed to informing and motivating girls to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
- Reach Across the Stars
- Meet Your Female Space & Science Heroes (virtually) through this free augmented reality (AR) app that can be used on most AR-compatible tablets and smartphones (iOS & Android platforms).
- SciGirls
- SciGirls is designed to spark girls’ curiosity in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through activities that promote knowledge and discovery.
- STEM Like a Girl
- Our mission is to excite and empower girls with knowledge and confidence in STEM to become future problem solvers and leaders.
- Women @ NASA
- Through their accomplishments and dedication to their jobs, women at NASA serve as role models to young women in their pursuit of careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
- WomenInPower (from STEM Rising)
- The Energy Department is committed to advancing women's participation and leadership in the energy workforce, and in furthering STEM education by working in partnership with stakeholders to inspire girls and women to go into science, technology, engineering, and math careers and seeking to remove barriers to participation in STEM.
- Women You Should Know
- Downloadable STEM Role Models Posters Celebrate Women Innovators As Illustrated By Women Artists.
- GAGE (Powered by 500 Women Scientists)
- A resource for journalists, educators, policy makers and others seeking the expertise of women and gender minorities STEMM professionals.
Professional Development
- I am A Scientist
- The stories & science of real-world scientists. Delivered to classrooms nationwide.
- Discover Engineering
- Discover Engineering helps unite, mobilize, and support the engineering and technology volunteer communities. Why? They will increase their collaborative footprint in K-12 education and celebrate with the public as it discovers the value of engineering education and careers.
- Department of Energy - STEM Rising
- STEM Rising - STEM Rising inspires, educates, and sparks lifelong success in STEM by sharing resources & events from the National Labs, National Nuclear Security Administration, and program offices. View our STEM resources for students, teachers, and workforce on this site and keep in touch with our monthly newsletter or social media (#STEMRising on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter).
- Everyone Can Learn Math
- We believe everyone can learn math. From published children's books to free resources for educators and parents, everything we do revolves around helping others find their inner love for math.
- Math Resources for Remote Learning
- Cleveland Science Teacher Christa Krohn is a great resource (follow her on Twitter). She recently shared “Math Resources for Remote Learning”
- National Geographic
- Resource Library for Educators.
- National Science Teachers Association
- Resources from the National Science Teachers Association for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) aligned curriculum and activities.
- Open Culture
- This collection provides a list of free educational resources for K-12 students and their parents and teachers. This page is being updated and cleaned up during the COVID-19 crisis.
- Oregon Educators Network
- The Oregon Educator Network (OregonEdNet) was created to provide a space for educators to connect all across Oregon. The OregonEdNet supports collaboration between educators in schools, districts, ESDs, community colleges, universities, professional organizations, and hubs such as the Oregon STEM hubs.
- Oregon Open Learning - Science Group
- These resources are a collaboration of science educators and the Oregon Department of Education. They are created by and for educators - including lesson and unit materials, review rubrics, and other useful links to support K-12 science education.
- OpenSciEd
- The goals of OpenSciEd are to ensure any science teacher, anywhere, can access and download freely available, high-quality, locally adaptable full-course materials.
- Project Explorer
- Project Explorer is an incredibly high-quality resource designed to bring the world into classrooms and living rooms with free video content and a curriculum that fosters global awareness and cross-cultural understanding. There is also an associated television show on the Discovery Channel: Crash Test World starring Kari Byron from Mythbusters.
- Science Carnival Activities - NGSS Connections
- This site is both for individuals who are conducting an activity at the Science Carnival and for teachers who are interested in using a particular Science Carnival activity in the classroom. A listing of many of the Science Carnival activates is provided on this site along with links to websites that provide information about the activity.
- Skype A Scientist
- Skype a Scientist creates a database of thousands of scientists and helps them connect with teachers, classrooms, groups, and the public all over the globe. We want to give students the opportunity to get to know a real scientist and get the answers to their questions straight from the source.
- Solve It For Kids
- Ever wonder how scientists, engineers, and experts solve problems? Find out here! Join hosts Jennifer Swanson and Jed Doherty as they get the scoop directly from the experts on how they problem-solve in their really cool jobs. Get ready to participate because each episode comes with a challenge just for our listeners.
- SPBS Learning Media
- OPB and PBS have curated FREE, standards-aligned videos, interactives, lesson plans, and more for teachers like you.
- STEM Teaching Tools
- The STEM Teaching Tools site has tools that can help you teach science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). We are currently focused on supporting the teaching of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Each tool is focused on a specific issue and leverages the best knowledge from research and practice. Under the News section, you can learn a bit more about how you might use them.
- Which One Doesn't Belong
- A website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike.
- WhyMaker
- WhyMaker is a STEM professional development company that focuses on cultivating technology-based project plans with teachers to improve students' overall success.
- YouCubed
- Our main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math into accessible and practical forms.
- Rural STEAM Leadership Network
- The Rural STEAM Leadership Network is an opportunity for K-8 educators and administrators to join together in creating new educational leadership opportunities in Oregon by leveraging the Oregon Science Project model of educator leadership and a Rural Learning Collaborative model of collaboration to increase STEAM opportunities and access for Oregon's rural and remote communities.
- Astronomy Photo of the Day (APOD)
- Each day a different image of our universe along with a brief explanation.
- Chrome Music Lab
- Google’s song maker that incorporates STEM.
- Daily STEM
- Chris Woods started “DailySTEM” to provide educators and families with simple STEM resources that connect the real world to learning. Our kids need to see that STEM is all around us…in the backyard, at the store, in our homes, on TV and movies, in the news… everywhere!
- NASA Live
- NASA launches, landings, and events. Watch live broadcasts from NASA Television and NASA's social media channels.
- NASA Stem Engagement
- NASA STEM Engagement strives to increase K-12 involvement in NASA projects, enhance higher education, support underrepresented communities, strengthen online education, and boost NASA's contribution to informal education. The intended outcome is a generation prepared to code, calculate, design, and discover its way to a new era of American innovation.
- Pixar in a Box
- Pixar in a Box is a behind-the-scenes look at how Pixar artists do their jobs. You will be able to animate bouncing balls, build a swarm of robots, and make virtual fireworks explode. The subjects you learn in school — math, science, computer science, and humanities — are used every day to create amazing movies at Pixar.
- Smithsonian Learning Lab
- The Smithsonian Learning Lab puts the treasures of the world's largest museum, education, and research complex within reach. The Lab is a free, interactive platform for discovering millions of authentic digital resources, creating content with online tools, and sharing in the Smithsonian's expansive community of knowledge and learning.
- TED-Ed is TED’s youth and education initiative. TED-Ed’s mission is to spark and celebrate the ideas of teachers and students around the world.
- Tested
- Adam Savage's Tested is a content platform and community playground for makers and curious minds.
Lending Library - Coming soon!
We are in the process of building a lending library for our partner schools, educators, and organizations in Linn & Benton Counties. More information soon!

Professional Development Opportunities for Educators
There are no upcoming events at this time
Visit here to see all events and opportunities