We offer a wide range of resources for educators. From professional
development opportunities, to tools and project ideas to help in the classroom.

Educators' Lending Library

Check out STEAM equipment for your classroom!


Closing the Gap podcast logo

Closing the Gap Podcast
Women in STEM and Trades

Maker and Innovation Learning Lab

The MILL LogoMILL is a space for students and the member community to come together to work on projects, create, and learn.

Visit The MILL!


Diversity and Inclusion Resources

Diversity and Inclusion resources

This page is a collection of resources to help community members promote awareness of our diverse community. Included are websites, lesson plans, and readings that ALL community members could use to help understand and foster a more inclusive community.

A Step Ahead

Educational video library that brings students and
Behind-the-scenes educators, to take a look at careers in the local industry.

Mobile Makerspace

engineering cardboard jeepBringing the Mid-Valley STEM-CTE Hub to you!
Our mobile makerspace can bring all the
STEAM activities for your school or organization.

Trades Notebook

Learn more about the Trades Notebook

Skilled trades career information.

Manufacturing Month

Manufacturing month logoExplore careers in manufacturing.

STEM Book List

A collection of some of our favorite STEAM-themed books.

Project-Based Learning

children learning

Hands-on learning ideas

Online Resources