This page highlights STEM & CTE Educational opportunities & events occurring in our region. Most events are free & virtual.
If you have an event to submit, please send it to
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#STEMLikeAWoman Tag Campaign
March 8, 2021 - March 31, 2021
We’re kicking off #STEMLikeaWoman on March 8, International Women’s Day. We’ll kick it off with social media posts tagging 500 Women Scientists Corvallis. From there, we want you to tag a woman in your life who works in or is studying to work in a STEM career. Please use the #STEMLikeaWoman in your post to help bring awareness and to take part in the campaign.
To make it more exciting and to provide some extra motivation, the Mid-Valley STEM-CTE Hub will donate $5 (up to $500) for every #STEMLikeaWoman tag to 500 Women Scientists Corvallis!
Visit any of our social media sites to take part in #STEMLikeaWoman: